Wednesday 10 May 2017

~ Up yer sleeve - Final evaluation & timeplan ~

Up Yer Sleeve was a submission brief - the final design is going to be 'exhibited' digitally as part of a large portfolio of work by local (Leeds) designers. I chose to engage with this brief as this year i've found a focus in designing with a purpose. In other words i've chosen to take on as many live briefs as possible. This way my work is really out there, being seen by real people and it allows me to receive real in context feedback on my practice. 

Within this brief, I chose to use a combination of photo-manipulation and illustration to create the final design. This outcome was well informed by the body of contextual and relevant visual research I conducted. The final design is a celebration of positivity and talent of Amy Winehouse that I felt has often been overlooked. The design is bright, bold and positive; it's a theme that I like to spread throughout all of my work. I like to design for good and happiness; often taking topics that could be interpreted as boring or sad and flipping them into something entirely different. 

The time-scale for this brief was substantially longer than a lot of the exhibition & submission briefs i'd done previously. I took this as an opportunity to build a bigger body of research before experimenting with actually designing something. This allowed me to make really informed decisions. I assessed visual research and historical examples of designers making positive tone imagery when the context is slightly darker. 

Overall I feel the design is successful, it's hand made aesthetic creates a very personal, snapshot dialogue of Amy's life. It represents the song and artist well; and also represents me and my practice (illustrative style) effectively. 

Time plan 

March - Briefed, get together a large body of contextual and visual research based around the song and artist
April - Ideas, experimentation & production of the final design

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