Sunday 7 May 2017

~ Personal trainer branding - final evaluation ~

For this brief I was approached by a Manchester based personal trainer - who wanted a brand identity in order to self promote and stand out among competition. He approached me with a very specific brief in terms of final resolution and collateral. 

Due to this being a live client lead brief I made sure I was consistent in contacting and updating the client with my progress. We discussed ideas face to face, over email and shared visual inspiration via a shared Pintrest board. This allowed me to get a concise and clear idea of what he really wanted. Through discussion and idea sharing the client was able to decide he felt a type based logo design, in the typeface Genota was what he was looking for. From this I developed the colour scheme of black and yellow representative of 'danger' and strength. I adapted the type tightening the kerning to further the strong theme and editing the dots of the 'i's to be symbolic kettle bells. This went on to become a main part of the brand identity being a repeated symbol throughout the various collateral. 

Overall I was pleased with the outcomes of this brief. The brand identity was really strong and I developed this consistently throughout various media. It was good to see a brand looking really together and finalised in terms of covering all potential areas. I even went on to create an animated version of the logo and tagline for the client to use as part of his online promotion. 

Overall the brief went really successfully and the client is now using his new brand identity to promote himself - he was happy with the final outcome. Despite the success of the outcome and client satisfaction I didn't enjoy this brief. I felt the basis and tone of voice is very clean cut and corporate. This isn't a style of graphic design I enjoy doing as there isn't much multimedia spread (hand rendered in particular) or room for expression. Despite this I am still glad I did it as now it's functioning as a real brand and I can display in my portfolio that I am capable of producing a brand identity that is well considered and clearly effective across multiple forms of design production/collateral. 

Time plan

January - Brief, initial client meeting, contextual research, visual research
February - Discussion with client over specific needs & showing each other visual examples, design experimentation, feedback
March - Taking on feedback from the client, produce final logo design, produce final brand identity, create designs and collateral plans to send to client, finish

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