Saturday 13 May 2017

~ Chaice Blvd - final evaluation ~

This is a brief I started in February as a client lead live brief. Since then I have had multiple meetings with the client and developed a basic brand identity plan. This will be expanded across the production of swing tags, web design and I will also be the art director for the product photography. 

The deadline for this brief isn't until the 23rd of July so the work is on-going. For this reason the finished product and full design process has not been recorded within the blog or submission. 

Elements I have designed/finished so far are as goes.

Animated logo design - The distorted/warped effect is to create a tone of voice appropriate to the brands personality. It's a children's streetwear/skate brand. This animation gives it an appealing and edgy look that will draw in the desired target audience.

In the same typographic style I also animated the two tag lines the client will be featuring on the actual clothing within the brand.

These will be used for the website and for promotional purposes (social media).

I have also begun design experimentation for the production of swing tags. My idea is to create 'animated tags. Made from acetate and black lines - To make it look as if the tags design is moving. This was at the clients request that i produce a tag design that really stands out and is different from your basic and boring clothing labels.

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