Friday 12 May 2017

~ Nest 11 - final evaluation ~

This brief was to submit anything I liked to the Nest Magazine issue 11 - following the theme of 'space'. This being a brilliant opportunity to potentially advertise my design skills and style outwardly. 

I decided with this brief I would start with initial ideas of ways I could express my design style visually. I came up with the concept; producing an abstract set of illustrative designs, each one representing the atmosphere/environment of each planet. I wanted to use this brief both to develop a conceptual and research base for the outcome but also to express myself and own interpretation visually. I did contextual research into the facts we know about each planet - noting down colours and iconic visual elements that could play a part in the final design. 

The final outcome is really bright, colourful and captivating. I produced vectors so I could potentially develop this brief further than it's initial theme/concept; this way they can be adapted, changed in size and format with ease. This brief will potentially go on to become my end of year show resolution. I have explored ways in which the tone of voice could appeal to different audiences in different contexts. For example the design style is friendly and appealing and would work brilliantly towards a child based audience. In terms of context it could take form of prints, animation or even virtual reality (continuing the idea of space). 

I've really enjoyed this brief a lot as I feel the final outcome is very expressive and positive. It shows who I am and the way I like to work really clearly - perfect if I get featured in Nest. I successfully fulfilled the concept I set for myself and the outcome fits the theme of 'space' perfectly.

Time plan

March - Brief, initial ideas, concept generation, contextual research, visual research
April - Design experiments, final design, submission

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