Sunday 7 May 2017

~ Nest 10 - Brief ~

Just to remind you, this is an open-ended brief and can be interpreted in any way that you see appropriate. For example, Focus could refer in a literal sense to the lens focus of an image - or in a broader sense reference your personal focus as a student at LCA. The work could be representative of your focus within your chosen subject, or a focus on social, political, economic or environmental issues that you are passionate about. 

We are looking for any and all types of work from students across the college, no matter the course. This includes but is not limited to photography, illustration, design, collage, painting, sculpture, ceramics, 3D work and written text pieces.

With a new academic year I hope to bring many new changes to the magazine, one of which being the expansion of an online platform so as to accommodate moving image and animation. If you work in these areas and wish to submit in these formats, please do! All work is welcome! 

Submissions close on FRIDAY 18TH NOVEMBER!

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