Friday 5 May 2017

~ Personal trainer branding - Collateral design ~

The client brief specifies the collateral he wants 

- Online promotional materials
- Business card design 
- Other - letter heads, leaflets, t-shirts

These are my final designs showing how the overall brand identity I have produced will translate onto each collateral piece.

I felt due to the client having a focus on promoting his business online and via social media one way to help him stand out among competitors was to create a simple introduction animation. The animation includes both the tag line and the logo design - all introduced using symbolism that represents speed and movement in a simple form.

This animation will be perfect for promotion via social media - creating a really professional presence/appearance. It could also be used as a perfect landing page within a website or web header when the client gets that up and running. 

Business cards - After much experimentation I felt that using the tag line on the front of the business cards would instantly draw in attention as it's a really bold statement and introduces the overall brand identity well. 

I didn't want to overcomplicate the design and just stuck to the general basic information needed within the design. Using the logo to header the information and the Gentona regular typeface to deliver the contact information with legibility and clarity.

I mocked up the final designs for the client with the suggestion he get them printed with a triple sheet gsm - with the inner sheet being yellow. This would be a simple yet effective way of continuing the brand identity throughout the printed media.

I decided an appropriate piece of collateral to design for was a t-shirt design so the client can use this as his uniform and advertise whilst in the gym/out and about. 

This is the design for the front of the t-shirt - just with the logo in a classic small format on the left side of the t-shirt.

For maximum impact I designed the back of the t-shirt to feature the brands tagline.

Lastly I produced designs for a range of additional printed collateral that the client might consider using once the business is off its feet.

1. I designed a basic layout for a folder - to be used to hold training and diet plans and given to James' clients - demonstrates a high level of professionalism that people will appreciate.

2. Envelopes for any outgoing mail, flyers, future promotional material the client may want to send. In terms of production these would have to be made using a bespoke envalope making or printing service.

3. Letterhead - to be used on both printed letters, invoices for clients and emails.

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