Tuesday 9 May 2017

~ Of a tale - change of brief ~

I decided that in writing this brief I had limited myself significantly by specifying that the final outcome needed to be a poster design. Seen as this is my main research based brief I decided to edit it so that the final outcome could be anything as a direct route of an issue I discovered within the research process. 

New Brief

Module OUGD603

Compile body of research informed by an area of written information (specifically written content, articles, essays, books). Identify a theme within a body of written work (theme can be anything from writing style, subject, author etc.) Using the selected theme and body of research identify an issue you feel could be solved using a specified design treatment method. Take this concept from research through to final resolution. Making sure to show reasoning behind each decision and how it links to your initial research content. 

Background considerations

Consider production, format, style and how these considered elements link to your research findings. 

Mandatory requirements

Body of research
Final design treatments


Design boards
Final designs

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