Saturday 13 May 2017

~ Of a tale - final evaluation & timeplan ~

This brief has been really beneficial to me as it's been one of the only self initiated projects of the year. I allowed myself within the brief room to explore any area of interest that I felt was appropriate. I actually changed the brief after my initial ideas process stage as I didn't want to limit the potential outcomes/direction for the final design. 

I chose the subject of philosophy as it's something I am really interested in and always wished I knew more about. It's not something that directly appeals to people of my age and certainly nothing directly attempts to engage young people with philosophy. To me this was the big issue and something that could be addressed through a conceptual designed outcome.

This year I have avoided content design, publication and editorial as I didn't find the design and production process enjoyable. This brief was a challenge for me because the most appropriate outcome in the end due to heavy content was a zine/publication. In order to create something different and fitted to my preferences I combined this idea with a poster - designing a poster-zine for the final outcome. This allowed me to express my fluid and expressive style of design whilst using elements of editorial design and the simplicity needed to allow for legibility & readability. I needed to complete something content based to be able to demonstrate skills and considerations in this area.

I feel the final design is really successful - the feedback I was given was that this is a really good problem analysis and solution. In a time where millennial mental health is a growing issue, encouraging young people to see the world in a different way can only be a good thing. It was good to produce something that is just a concept as it allows me to think further; about how I could expand the briefs possibilities, try different print methods and create a range based around this design. 


January - Explore the potential avenues of the brief, initial idea generation, editing the brief
February - Choose a specific research topic - begin to get together a body of research
March - Complete main body of research - identify an issue within the research that could be solved by a piece of design
April - Come up with a design solution informed by the research topic and issue raised - begin design experimentation & ideas
May - Produce and refine final design treatment - Print/produce design - Consider distribution and how the brief could be taken further

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