Wednesday 10 May 2017

~ Of a tale - visual research ~

The visual research conducted aimed to help me decide which format/final outcome was most appropriate for the brief. I needed something that was able to show a reasonable amount of content in a clear and simple way, would appeal to my younger target audience and didn't seem 'overly complicated'. I didn't want the design to seem overly content heavy as this was one of the issues that I was facing in terms of the information being avoided by the target audience. 

One potential outcome could be a physical project report - I could create a typeset and designed essay/document visually showing my research and the text based solution I produced for the issue I addressed. I could then produce some kind of collateral based design alongside this - posters, postcards, some accompanying design work. This would get my research across in a clear way but has no appeal in terms of product, range, distribution - as not many people are going to find reading a project report appealing material and it wouldn't appeal to my audience well. 

Secondly editorial based design - I could design a publication housing the research or even propose a design in which could be a magazine insert/spread. This option is effective as it would allow me to split up the content into much more manageable chunks that wouldn't overwhelm the audience visually. Print is becoming more and more popular with the younger target audience in a world saturated with online media it's becoming an escape from the digital and even a 'novelty' item for some. 

Website design - would be a good route as this is probably the most popular content receiving method of the target audience. But I feel it being online would take away from the experience, people browsing dont tend to becoming immersed in information online and would be less likely to read a large amount of content online. It's a possibility but I think something printed could appeal to the audience in a better way. I feel this audience is most likely to consume content when traveling, it's the only time young people stop and take a minute so this could be a perfect distribution plan. 

Posterzine(tm) is a format of designing which combines large amounts of content whilst maintaining a high visual quality. It's something you pick up due to it's appealing visuals, read the content then instead if throwing like you would a newspaper you keep it and hang it as a poster (poster on the back). It's a way of encouraging people to consume important content then actually hold on to the design material or even pass it on. 

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