Wednesday 10 May 2017

~ Nest 10 - final evaluation ~

Nest issue 10 was a live submission brief in which I could create anything I wanted surrounding the theme of focus. This open ended brief allowed me to be really free creatively and design something abstract and full of self expression. 

I approached the brief from a very personal viewpoint - using initial ideas informed by my own opinions and interpretations of the theme. This was a really different route in comparison to more direct routes taken in previous briefs. From these initial ideas I conducted various areas of visual/contextual research. I developed a concept in which I could express personal feelings of not being able to concentrate and hold focus. I did so in a well informed visual way. Using shape, repetition, composition and hierarchy of information. I wanted to create the feeling of lost focus for the audience of the images. I designed with a dis-regard for legibility & readability in order to show this idea.

This brief was really self directed rather than context based. It was an opportunity to show myself visually and express how I like to work (in an abstract and illustrative way). I enjoyed doing this as most design briefs have a purpose; to sell, attract, convince, explain, inform. But this was purely to express a feeling in a visual way, allowing me to be experimental and explore how colour, shape and abstraction can be really emotive when used well.

The final designs were chosen to be exhibited at Colours May Vary as part of the Nest issue 10 launch. This was a great opportunity to outwardly show my working style and design process to the creative community. 

Time plan

October - Ideas process, contextual development, visual research, concept
November - Design experimentation, design production, submission

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