Friday 5 May 2017

~ Framework - final evaluation ~

Framework was another live brief this year. I was contacted by the organiser of the exhibition and asked to produce an overall identity, resulting in poster designs to promote it. This was a great opportunity to have my work printed and seen around Leeds. These types of briefs are my favourite as it looks good to have real outcomes in my portfolio; it's also given me the experiance of having direct feedback from the client. The exhibition itself had the purpose of raising money and exposure for the Leeds Women's Aid charity. This is a cause I am personally passionate about so I was really happy to be a part of it.

I took this opportunity to create a piece of design working using a process that is fairly new and unexplored within my work - digital illustration. The process was informed by the contextual research I conducted into the background of the charity. I found that the charity was founded in 1972 by a group of feminists. My body of research looked into the historical element of this and how visually feminists in the 70's got their message out there. My design was influenced by the underground press, hand rendered themes I found within this research. Using this feminist DIY style of design I produced an updated and digital poster design; focusing mainly on type based illustration in order to deliver the information with clarity in an informed style. 

Overall this brief was really enjoyable, the context being something I am personally passionate about, this then made the research process equally fun. It lead to a well informed final design treatment that the client absolutely loved! Having praise from a live client and seeing the design printed around Leeds was brilliant to see (in context). I will be sure to take on more briefs like this as I feel it's important to do work to help causes that personally interest you in order to make the best possible outcomes. It was a really important brief for me in terms of developing my client communication skills and getting direct feedback on changes and successes. 

Time plan

March - Brief, client discussion, contextual research, visual research
April - Initial ideas, design experiments, final design resolution, client feedback, design amendments
May - Submit final designs to print

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