Monday 10 April 2017

~ Zoo - Logo design ~

I wanted the logo to be a really concise and accurate signifier of the restaurant/cafe for all that it is. It is a specialist vegetarian/vegan/free from eating establishment that celebrates all that comes from the earth and all that is natural. It is also known for being a social, cultural and creative hub for the community; a lot to have to communicate in one logo but essential that it does so well. 

Key symbols and possible things to include are -

- Type or monogram based logo?
- Trees, plants, foliage, nature
- Animals - considered to be ZOO animals, monkeys, elephant, giraffe etc. 
- People - to show the social aspect
- Food and drinks - maybe too obvious?

This initial experiment was an attempt at using silhouettes of jungle plants then having the logo type cut out in the negative space within the logo. But this proved too difficult to create a clear and concise logo in just black and white. And I feel any good logo should work in both colour and black and white. 

Often the logos I find most personally appealing and successful are or include some kind of clever negative space imagery; in which a logo can appear to be multiple things at one time when viewed in different ways. 

This was an early attempt at integrating very simple images of a leaf and spoon within a black background to form the title ZOO - very tricky to create a smooth and balanced looking composition. 

This was a second attempt at a negative space type based logo - once again it just didn't appear balanced and wasn't effective when finished. It's a concept that could of been developed and probably been successful but for me didn't seem like the best option. 

This is when I came up with what I feel is a brilliantly smart logo idea - To create a mash up of a tree and a fork. Showing that obscure link between nature and food in a very simple and attractive logo.

I created some variations of this logo; editing composition, type and also adding a texture as I feel this adds to the idea of being taken from the ground and being close to nature; and also the personal experiance the cafe is known for.

I then pitched this logo idea to the client to see if he felt it was right for the final design treatment.

He said he absolutely loved the design idea and felt it best worked as the initial 45 degree angle - loved how it could also work within a circle if needed as he wants to use a circle within the staffs uniforms. 

BUT he wants some kind of animal adding to the design - something that is more linked to the idea of ZOO - possibly a monkey or other tree dwelling animals. 

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