Monday 10 April 2017

~ Chaice Blvd - Logo production ~

The client specified she wanted the type only logo to be a modification of the existing one - using the same typeface and basic composition. 

She felt a 'grunge' 'skate' and 'street' aesthetic would work well. So I begun to think about what ways I could play with the type to express this tone of voice within the logo. 

Using an online 'glitch' producing resource I produced this selection of variations of the logo in order to spark design ideas.

 From the online versions produced I took the logo into Illustrator and began producing simple variations of a glitch style design.
I further developed this concept into something more 'interesting' and individual looking. I used the liquify option on Photoshop to produce a more liquid looking glitch design.

I then discussed the potential of using one of these variations as the final logo treatment with the client - who specified the last 2 were her favourite. 

I decided the last one was the most appropriates its the most even looking and still legible as the name. 

I then discussed with the client how we could then use all the variations of the logo as part of the online/social media promotion campaign to create an animated visual. It really engages the audience when you use animated visuals rather than still ones; making the brand more memorable and professional looking. 

The next task was to create a 'stand alone' symbolic logo. The client expressed an interest in the acid house style smiley but wanted possibly her own take on this or a completely new but equally as good idea. 

I experimented with warped versions of the iconic smiley symbol and decided to ask the client what she felt was working and what wasnt. 

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