Friday 28 April 2017

~ Once more with feeling - Brief ~

This brief is to create the brand identity for the fine art level 6 end of year show.

They need a general type identity, postcard/leaflets, posters, web header and social media promotion. 

Name - Once more with feeling 

likes italics 

not yellow - bright colours - one or two colours not just black and white

I was chosen as the fine art department had seen my pink manifesto project and really liked my un-usual uses of typography/layout.

This style of typography is very driven to breaking the rules, stretching typography further than their standard form and composing them in a way that is interesting and not 'true to form'. This is very representative of what fine artists in the most general way work; often very concept based, into breaking the rules and changing perspective.

I am happy to follow this concept with this brief as its a way I feel comfortable working and will be well informed by the context. 

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