Wednesday 12 April 2017

~ End of year show branding - final evaluation ~

This was a live brief - briefed by Peter and Paul and LCA to create the brand identity for the End of Year Show. This was an opportunity not just to have live physical work out in a real world context, but also potentially work alongside a marketing studio. I was unfortunate in that I didn't have anyone to collaborate on this brief with as everyone I asked was either too busy or already within a group at this point. I feel this limited my final concept as it was just my opinion and ideas rather than a more broad concept. It also meant I didn't have enough time to complete everything to the standard I would of liked as I didn't have much time working on my own. Looking back I feel overall the final outcome would of been more successful if I had worked as part of a group. 

Nether the less I produced a concept that I felt was really different to any of the previous years approaches to the end of year show branding. My concept focused on the idea of time (Time:To) and how the final exhibition marks a time in students lives where everything changes. I also liked the adaptability potential of this name choice: Time to explore, design, move on, illustrate, create, hire graduates etc. I took the concept of time further in animating the logo-type to mimic a digital clock. This went on to inform the kinetic theme I ran throughout- informed by the turing of hands on a clock. Creating a plan to have a kinetic poster design which could be spun and interacted with by passers by - each time the circle is spun it would land on a different variation of the exhibitions title. This would certainly grab attention more than a standard poster and capture attention of potential blogs - itsnicethat, creative review etc. for being different. This would then be developed into animated online versions of this spinning movement. 

I felt within the time scale I produced a large amount of research and final designs to a high level (as the animating and mocking up took a lot of time). I was impressed with this focus and drive to get things done even when I could of done with some help. The brief looks great within my portfolio as it demonstrates my ability to think outside the box - further than just producing a plain and boring 2D poster design. It's shown me that in the future not all briefs are best done alone, even though I am more than capable I sometimes need to access how time will effect my process and how working in groups can help relieve the stress of short deadlines with lots of deliverables. 

Time plan 

Feb - Brief, initial ideas, name generation, contextual research, visual research
March - Design experimentation, final concept design, collateral design, put together presentation boards discussing the idea and design process
April - Submit final presentation boards

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