Monday 10 April 2017

~ Nest 11 - Final designs ~

This is my design for Earth. I wanted each design to be really organic and come straight from my mind; keeping the colours and attributes of each planet in mind. But generally being a personal demonstration of my abstract visual thoughts. I used colours I felt represented land and sea and created a composition I felt represented life without including visuals of humanity as I feel this would be too obvious and we are not the most important thing about this planet; it had to be about the natural environment without our influence.

Jupiter - I wanted this design to be iconic of power as you automatically associate Jupiter with being the biggest of the planets in our solar system. For this reason I kept it really quite simple, showing bands of colour variations; I wanted the design to be quite striking in a minimal way as I feel this is very representative of the planet - simple but bold.

Mars - The red planet, I wanted this to be one of the more obvious depictions as this is the planet most people are most comfortable with as we know the most about it. I depicted bold and bright red hues and cloud like; familiar looking shapes to suggest that Mars has the potential to be one day inhabited by humans; certainly over the other planets at the moment its more explored by humans. I feel this design is really simple but definitely obvious that its depicting mars over the others. 

Mercury - It was the only planet out of the 8 that when I searched for images just came up very plain and grey looking; very similar to our moon. It had lots of star shaped craters covering the surface so I decided to make these the focal point of this design; creating a positive and bubbly (Japanese design influenced) design despite the lack of colour. 

Neptune - The furthest away planet that we know the least about. It's iconically known for it's bright bold blue colour; suspected to be water, ice and gases. I wanted my design to represent this bold blue colour but also the liquidity of the planet and possible movement of un-known gasses. I created this looped/layered design which I felt well represented this movement and flow of the un-known. 

Saturn - The only planet in our solar system with rings; this being it's iconic feature. This made the design for this planet probably the easiest to visually interpret/create. I used the colours of the planet and created a really simple ringed design, showing the layers and variations.

Uranus - For me this was the hardest to show visually as in photographs its such a plain planet, it looks completely smooth and perfect like a ping pong ball; perfect and light blue. Instead I decided to show it in it's perfectly smooth form and illustrate the space and chaos around it to show the stark contrast between it and it's environment. 

Venus - It's personally my favourite planet and design of the set. I feel Venus gives off this image of fire, power and chaos and it makes me really curious as to what is on it. I decided to illustrate this fire, heat and curiosity with a mash up of strange alien like looking fire worms. It represents the planet and my personal thoughts on it perfectly.

Overall I feel the final designs are really appealing and successful. The whole idea of being influenced by Japanese design but produce something 'self lead' and abstract was so it was really organic and original. I didn't want to slip into the usual category of nicely hand rendered images of planets that has been done time after time. Instead it's bold, bright and really positive. It's something I will be proud to have representing my work and me as a designer which I feel is the main purpose of participating in NEST. The designs all work as a set well, following the same general aesthetic but all having their own individual qualities; important as if accepted they will all be published presumably on one spread together. 

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