Tuesday 11 April 2017

~ Chaice Blvd - Swing tag design ideas ~

This is an opportunity for me to use my creativity and make a design that is completely individual and uses unusual print techniques and something that really stands out. 

The client had previously told me she was loving the animated logo and slogans and they would work perfectly as part of the brands re-launch campaign. So I began to think about how I could extend that glitch/warped/animated theme and aesthetic throughout the printed media and swing tags aswell. 

One potential way of doing this would be to create a holographic/lenticular image - essentially you can access print services that allow you to print gifs. Companies such as UberSnap offer this service & http://www.tribal3d.com/lenticular-printing/ other print services.

This is something that I will suggest to the client as a possible route for the swing tags. 

Another possible route that I could go down to create 'animated' swing tags would be to create an optical illusion type. 

You can create an effect like this by making 3/6 frames for your animation. Then created a lined grid depending on how many frames your animation has. You then follow 'secret rules' to ensure your animation works etc.

This would be a much cheaper method of creating a similar outcome. It's something I plan to mock up digitally, then physically then pitch to the client also.

I decided to initially create some digital mock ups of how this print method could work for this brand to send to the client. 

This is an initial mock up I sent to the client. 

"Hi Renee, 
So basically i'm glad you liked the little type animations I sent you before. I think they will look really great as part of the campaign type thing. I was thinking about how I could create a swing tag that fits in with all of the digital branding and promotion. I've attached a video of an idea to create an animated swing tag, by printing a background layer with animated frames on then you have a sheet of acetate with the black lines over the top; when you move the acetate the image below appears to be moving. I'm yet to try it in print but the video below shows a digital mock up of what I mean. Wondering what your thoughts are and if you have any ideas of what animation you feel might fit best in this context? Thanks Izzie "


It can just be really simple...I was playing around with some mini cards I had printed last year that went wrong but its jyst a simple swing tag idea(its a terrible photo)

I felt the client due to her emails could be looking something much simpler in design for the tags so decided to try out a different route. 

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