Monday 20 March 2017

~ Starpack - Revisiting the brief ~

  • Brief D: Health in a Hurry
Sponsored by Graphic Packaging International
Create a solution, using
cartonboard as the primary packaging material, to deliver fresh meals, snacks and drinks to health-conscious consumers' homes and workplaces in 90 minutes or less.

I decided to quickly look back at the brief at this point before printing the final nets and designs. I felt I needed to make sure each of my design decisions was linked closely to what the brief was asking of me.

I feel my solution and concept is really well considered and fits well as the concept gives the audience lots of options when it comes to portions, foods, meals snacks, drinks etc. In comparison to competitors who's packaging often limit the consumer to specific sizes of meal and often just the option of one meal per order rather than a selection of a few different courses. 

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