Monday 6 February 2017

~ Posters of a tale - Idea generation ~

This is a research lead brief - for this I need to conduct a body of research into a particular written text or group of. My ideas for such categories so far are...

- Roahl Dahl books
- Well known/most iconic philosophical and/or phycological texts
- Books by Jane Austin
- Books by Sylvia Plath
- Iconic feminist writings

I chose categories of reading/research that I feel I would personally find interesting and could really get stuck into in terms of developing a good concept. 

I felt the most interesting for me in terms of context and in depth research will be the philosophical and phycological texts. It will give me a greater understanding of context and application within design.

My personal areas of interest initially being (5 of each) 

I found this article on philosophical experiments for a source of initial inspiration. 


- Plato - The algorithm of the cave

- Panopticism - Michel Foucault

- The Chinese room - John Searle 

- The experiance machine - Robert Nozick

- The replacement argument - Plantinga

I found this brilliant article on 10 psychological experiments that were so extreme they wouldn't be allowed to happen today. They are considered to be exposing human activity and the way we think and interact in the most extreme ways, environments and situations. 


- Freud - Oedipus complex

- Phillip Zimbardo - The Stanford prison experiment

- John B Watson - The little Albert study

- Solomon Asch - Conformity

John Darley and Bibb Latané - The bystander effect

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