Monday 6 February 2017

~ Personal trainer branding - feedback session 1 ~

I consulted with the client at this point, showing him my designs so far and asking for any feedback and direction from what I had already experimented with. 

The feedback was 

- Try some new names, Fox Fit, Shaw Fit... Others ideas?
- Experiment with making the letter A into things, pyramid? someone deadlifting?

Further feedback was...

Hi Izzy

Clever those :))))) Thanks for doing this. It's really good of you and is very much appreciated.

I've attached a couple of fonts I really like the look of (the Gentona ones) and a couple of image designs which caught my eye.

In attachment 4 (GYM logo), I like how the person pushing a barbell overhead has been used to make the letter Y. I thought it could be used as the letter T in FiT but it might not work as well in my logo.

I also like the idea of not all letters in shawFiT being upper case or lower case but mixed, such as:

shawFiT (larger characters - don't know whether you can do this using the fonts I've attached)
personal training (in small lettering)


ShawFiT (larger characters - don't know whether you can do this using the fonts I've attached)
PERSONAL TRAINING (small lettering)
with personal training underneath.

I also still like the kettle bell idea....don't know whether an eye-catching kettle bell could be put before or after the company name. I still like the idea of 'personal training' being written underneath the main shawFiT logo in small lettering. And I like the other design (attachment 5) of man and woman exercising.

Hope this hasn't confused you...(crazed grin)...


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