Saturday 31 December 2016

~ Go higher west yorkshire - final evaluation & time plan ~

This was a live brief aimed at students of the universities within the 'Go Higher' collective. They wanted a new logo design and brand identity to go with their name change. This exclusivity was good as it gave me a good chance of getting exposure. I came runner up in this competition and my logo design/name was published on their website. This was brilliant real life publicity for my practice making this brief really beneficial. 

Despite the positivity of being chosen as a runner up I didn't particularly enjoy this brief. For me it didn't have much creative freedom - party because the final outcomes were all specifically outlined and it was mainly about the logo design. The tone of voice needed was very professional and corporate and this isn't the way I like to design. But learning this early on in the year was good as I chose briefs that were less serious and had more room for creativity following this. 

I do however feel the logo design (and identity) was successful. It was well considered and executed and shows my skills in this area of design. Even though I didn't find it enjoyable it shows future employers I am able to effectively work this way and within tight constraints. 

The timescale for this brief was small but this wasn't an issue for me as all of the contextual research needed was provided via the website; and the amount of final designs needed was small. I completed everything promptly. It has shown me the value of taking on small branding briefs even if they aren't the most creative as they can be a quick and straight forward process/path into finding the most appropriate treatment - unlike briefs with more creative freedom which involve a lot more options and considerations. 

Time plan

November - Brief, contextual and visual research, ideas process, design experiments
December - Logo design, collateral design, submission

Friday 30 December 2016

~ Go Higher - Result ~

A positive result for the Go Higher branding. Although I did not win I came runner up, my work was published on their website and I reccived a gift voucher. 

The work has also been published onto my online Behance portfolio.

Monday 5 December 2016

~ Go Higher - final submission ~

Alongside the basic logo design the brief asked me to design some basic letterheads and a website design mock-up showing how the brand identity would translate further.

I experimented with some potential layouts for the letterheads - once again coming to the conclusion that simplicity would translate a proffessional yet approachable tone of voice in the best way. Using bold type choices and vibrant colours to express such.

Logo placed in the top left hand corner - signifies proffessionalism as its the standard way of displaying yourself within a letterhead. The orange corner uses the angle of the arrow to add a splash of colour. And bold type on the bottom - to finish.

Bright, simple and eyecatching to the reader.

The final letterhead designs are clean, clear and bright. It's double sided so nomatter where it is placed it cannot be forgotten and ignored because the bright orange will draw in the eye.

Also within the brief requirements was to produce a simple web mock-up to show how the brand identity would translate digitally. I designed a minimal layout using the colours and logo. Expressing how the minimal overall brand would create a clean and eaisily navigable website design.


The logo is a visual adaptation of 'go higher'. The arrow is symbolic of raising potential and going higher through education. The negative space adaptation of the icon and logotype creates an effective coherence between the two. The typeface Avenir was chosen for clarity, legibility and ease of use. The colours were chosen to reflect both learning & professionalism and positivity & creativity. The design is simple and can be effectively adapted to both a professional and student audience as demonstrated by the website and letterhead mock-ups. All aesthetics, layouts, colours etc. can be easily modified accordingly. 

Saturday 3 December 2016

~ Go Higher - logo design ~

I was sure that a logo would be most successful when using word/visual play with the idea of 'going higher' and using the icon of an arrow. 

This initial experiment shows a design creating the arrow/more of a triangle shape out of individual hands/arms. I wanted it to be representative of togetherness, academic support and the arrow symbol.

I developed this further into creating a similar adaptation showing two hands meeting in the middle - representative of togetherness and reaching higher for your goals. I then used the base/stem of the arrow to incorprate the GO within the negative space.

I further developed this concept and decided due to its educational and proffessional context the logo needed to be simpler and straight forward in its execution. I simplifed the concept and created an arrow symbolic of the name and intergrated the negative space GO within. Allowing for experimentation regarding the placement of the other type. 

Typeface - For the typeface used within the design and proposed brand identity I chose the Avenir family. Avenir is simple, legible and bold - easily representative of a proffessional and educational company. It is also available in multiple widths/varients giving the client lots of options regarding further design options - web design, promotion etc. could use multiple weights to express information hierarchy.

For the remaining type positioning I once again went for simplicity and placed them below the main body of the logo design. I made the most of the typefaces varients and used Avernir heavy for the upper line and Avenir medium for the lower to create a hierarchy of type and an equal balence within each layer of the logos design. I create a positive and negative version of the logo; each could be more appropriate for certain types of media/backgrounds and used in interaction with one and other.

I also created an elongated version of the logo but couldnt decide which was most effective?

Colour theory - Alongside the logo design the competition asks for an overall brand identity including colour choices. After much experimentation with colour choices/varying tones I decided on...

Orange - Representative of positivity, happiness, drive, friendly

Blue - Corperate, educational, proffessional

I felt two colours in conjunction with each other was most appropriate as although the logo needs to express the educational tone it also needs to be friendly and approachable to potential students wanting to get involved. The combination of the two gives off this message perfectly.


In the crit I was just looking to make some final touches and descisions on colour and the logos final design.

The overall opinion was the shorter arrow design was most effective as it could be fit perfectly within a square box which is more pleasing to the eye.

They felt the colour choices (lighter orange) were well informed and worked well for the brand.

Thursday 1 December 2016

~ Go Higher West Yorkshire - Research & idea generation ~

Go Higher West Yorkshire is a company that helps individuals study access courses in order to get into university in Yorkshire (and the partnering universities within Yorkshire).

Due to its professional, educational and corporate nature the logo design needs to portray this. Through a clean cut, simple, professional - yet friendly & approachable design.

I collected some examples of educational themed logo designs to collect symbols and icons that are related to the sector and to develop an idea of a successful tone of voice. 

Symbolism related to education include -

- Pens/pencils
- Graduation caps
- Globe
- Books
- Flags
- Buildings (schools)
- Simple, bold & approachable sans serif type
- Bright & positive colours

Other icons related to the name include

- Access (doors?)
- Arrows - to show going up/higher
- West Yorkshire (symbols of Yorkshire)

Saturday 5 November 2016

~ Go Higher West Yorkshire - Brief ~

‘Go Higher West Yorkshire’, formerly HEART

Project Brief

Project Title: Go Higher West Yorkshire Design Competition

Briefing Date 3 November 2016 Project Deadline Submissions by 9am (GMT)

Friday 18 November 2016

Project Fee

First prize £250 in ‘Compliments’ vouchers and a runner-up prize of £125 in ‘Compliments’

Vouchers. (Please see link for the various outlets vouchers can be spent in

Winners will be announced after Friday 25 November 2016.

Project Lead: Daisy Forster Job Title: HEART Partnership Assistant

Email Address:

Project Outline

Stage 1: Proposal and Selection

See also ‘Context’ below.

The brief is to design a unique logo/visual symbol together with a suggested type style and type

face suitable for use in a variety of media and applications. The new logo will need to work online,

in print (in different sizes) and on other collateral pieces including exhibition boards, social media,

advertisements and merchandise.

There will be two prizes awarded; first prize £250 in ‘Compliments’ Vouchers, and a runner-up

prize of £125 in ‘Compliments’ Vouchers. Selection of the winners will be undertaken by an

executive panel.

The best entries will be uploaded on to the partnership website at

Stage 2: Project Development

HEART staff will be available to answer questions from prospective competition applicants via

email. Please send any enquires to

Stage 3: Project Submission / Final Artwork Deadline Students are requested to submit

applications via email to by 9 am on

Friday 18 November.

Project Aims

The aim of the competition is to provide a design solution of sufficient quality for Go Higher

West Yorkshire to consider using as its principal branding for the foreseeable future.

Mandatory Requirements

Applicants should submit one PDF containing the following:

1. Outline and rationale –on how the visual proposal meets the brief including an explanation why

different elements have been chosen, typeface, colours etc (400 words max)

2. Logo design in black and white and full colour, possibly with accompanying visual symbol

3. Sample letterhead

4. Suggested banner webpage or front cover for an Annual report

5. Suggested typeface and protocols for use

6. Name student number and name of institution attended as a student

7. Please note applications should be sent to with the subject heading;


8. The deadline is on Friday 18 November 2016, 9am (GMT). Entries received after this time will

not be considered.


HEART (Higher Education Access Rewarding Transforming) is a long established and successful

consortium of 12 higher education providers in West Yorkshire; this includes six universities and

six further education colleges with higher education provision.

Across our partnership we have a vast range of subjects, qualifications and modes of study, and

our main remit is to support the progression of students from all backgrounds into Higher

Education. To assist with this, we have recently won new funding to support progression from

target wards underrepresented in HE. Our target groups are prospective learners who are:

 Young people, along with their key influencers (teachers as well as


 Mature learners, along with employers.

The current name HEART was felt to be both confusing (there are other organisations with this

name, including a radio station) and offered no indication of the main purpose of the consortium.

A decision to change the name from HEART to Go Higher West Yorkshire has therefore been

taken, to be effective from December 2016/January 2017. As student enterprise and opportunity

is central to the ethos of the consortium it has been decided to offer students from our Consortium

partner institutions the opportunity to submit design suggestions through a competition.

Target Audience

Prospective HE students in schools/academies/colleges across our region and beyond, as well as

their parents/carers/guardians, advisers and teachers.

Prospective HE students who are mature learners.

Employers who may be looking to upskill or reskill their workforce.

Staff in partner HE institutions in West Yorkshire

Other agency partners, funders and supporters of the Consortium

Technical Specifications

The logo needs to be a vector and must be available in one of the following; eps. pdf. or jpeg

format. In addition to this colour codes for the colours used in the logo must also be noted within

your application.

Contractual Agreements

The overall winning work will be the property of the Consortium for use exclusively by and

adapted for the purposes of the Consortium.

Terms and conditions

 Entrants may submit no more than two entries to the competition.

 Entrants must be an enrolled student of a HEART partner at the time of submitting their


 All entries will be presented to a team who will pick the winning entry from a range of

judging criteria including fitness for purpose, creativity and originality.

 The winning entrant will be notified by email and a timeframe for the prize to be delivered

will be agreed between the promoter (HEART) and the winning entrant.

 The winning entrant will receive £250 in ‘Compliments’ Vouchers.

 The runner up will receive £125 in ‘Compliments’ Vouchers.

 Entrants should note there is no obligation on the promoter (HEART) to use the winning


 The judges' decision is final.

 A selection of entries will be uploaded to the HEART website.

 The competition opens on Thursday 3 November and closes at 9 am (GMT) on Friday 18


 Entrants should email work to from your institutional email address

in the format described above. The entrant should include their name, institution attended

and student ID number.

 Entry to the competition is free.

 By submitting an entry to the competition you allow the promoter – HEART Partnership/Go

Higher West Yorkshire, 171 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 3AR, United Kingdom the right

to use the entries on promotional material including print, websites and on social media.

*HEART/Go Higher West Yorkshire Partner institutions are:

Bradford College

University of Bradford

Calderdale College

University of Huddersfield

Kirklees College

Leeds Beckett University

Leeds City College

Leeds College of Art

Leeds College of Building

University of Leeds

Leeds Trinity University

Wakefield College

Thursday 3 November 2016

~ Extended practice - crit 1 - starpack ~

~ Starpack Awards - brief ~

Brief A: Disaster Aid/Emergency PackagingSponsored by BPI Polythene Industries
Create an innovative and flexible solution to the containment of disaster aid products that delivers protection and preservation as well as security and durability.

Brief B: Coca-Cola - Packaging as a Bridge to Digitised Brand Experience
Sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company
Leveraging new and emerging technologies to enable Cola-Cola consumers to seamlessly link the physical and virtual worlds through mass produced packaging, in an affordable way.

Brief C: 'Safe and Secure' Transit Packaging
Sponsored by DS Smith
Utilising the properties and flexibility of corrugated board, develop a solution to the transportation of products, particularly for online and internet retailing.

Brief D: Health in a Hurry
Sponsored by Graphic Packaging International
Create a solution, using cartonboard as the primary packaging material, to deliver fresh meals, snacks and drinks to health-conscious consumers' homes and workplaces in 90 minutes or less.

Brief E: Air Freshener Bottle
Sponsored by Logoplaste
Create a dispenser/bottle that blends into its environment and dispenses a fragrance in a controlled way.

Brief F: A New Luxury Vodka Pack
Sponsored by The Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association
Develop a new and exciting pack for a fictitious vodka brand targeting the quality retail gift sector.

Brief G: Sustainable Expanding Food Delivery Packs for Takeaways
Sponsored by RPC Group
Design an innovative and creative solution to flexible, sustainable packaging for takeaways.

Brief H: Point of Sale Unit for Generic Sugar Free Energy Drink for Convenience and Petrol Forecourt Locations
Sponsored by Smurfit Kappa UK
Design an innovative and creative solution to the promotion and display of 500ml bottles of an energy drink.

Briefs that I am interested in within the Starpack selection are hi lighted in Orange. 

To help get my initial ideas process flowing and make a solid decision on which of the two briefs to take on I did some visual exploration into packaging solutions in similar fields of interest. 

The vodka brief most definitely appeals to me as it would allow me to completely create a brand identity and packaging using any aesthetic. But the limitations of the production element within the brief are what concern me. If I wanted a specific shaped bottle as part of the packaging this would only exist in prototype form as im personally unable to make an actual bottle. Due to this limitation I have decided not to take on this brief.

In contrast the health in a hurry brief specifies the main material used should be carton board which is something I could easily get my hands on to produce an accurate and complete prototype of the final packaging design.

Within the brief specifications it says importantly the food needs to be delivered within 90 minutes or less. This means that storage when the food is travelling (to be delivered) is key as multiple boxes may be in one package. A consideration into stackable packaging that can be tightly fitted together when stored would help this issue. 

If all the elements of an order could fit within one package this would also save time and issues. Using a standard outside packaging (one size fits all) with smaller elements (snack, drink & meal) within would avoid items being missing, forgotten or the costly time of having to search for each individual item. 

Toscatti's packaging uses a numbered-pantone colour coded system to differentiate between products. This is a good concept and could be used well within this brief - it would influence the idea that the food needs to be packaged and distributed quickly - specific colours for specific dishes would help staff differentiate between orders etc.

In terms of creating a logo and brand for the brief - the image above shows I logo previously produced for a fast food (healthy vegan) meal brand. The logo was never used but is something I am extremely happy with and would love to possibly re-work and make appropriate for this brief. 

Thursday 27 October 2016

~ Creative networks - Final evaluation & timeplan ~

This was a really enjoyable start to the year and jumping back into designing again. The brief had a really direct outcome which was a good way to get back into the swing of things because we knew exactly what was expected from us. Being briefed a live brief was an exciting prospect for me as it's something i'd not previously done before. The potential opportunity to be a part of something real was great. This enjoyment of 'reality' is something I felt informed my decisions in terms of what briefs I wanted to do for the rest of the year. I wanted to focus more on live briefs with clients to get a real sense of the bigger picture and what would be expected. 

It lead me to conducting research in a new and much more valuable way. In previous years I had relied overly on visual research and looking at 'similar' design work. I felt this was influencing the style of my outcomes too much and the originality of my designs. For this brief I did much more research into the contextual background behind the context/artists the posters were about. This lead me to make design decisions informed by the subject matter and target audience rather than designing for aesthetic. 

The brief was a group task, working with Amelia and Cameron. This was a challenge for me as they both have very different design styles to my own. It was a chance for me to approach this as a positive rather than a negative. We used our differences to approach the brief from different perspectives and create something that combined all of our preferences that could be enjoyed by a broad audience. One negative I found was that due to me designing out of my comfort zone I felt apprehensive about pushing my designs as much as I could of done. Upon reflection i'd of pushed more towards including the 3D elements within the final designs as i feel this could of given it a real edge and appeal.

In any collaborative briefs following I will be sure to push my ideas forward and make my creative voice heard. This brief has taught me the value of having confidence in my own ideas. Working in a studio environment when I leave this is something I will have to get used to and confident in doing.

Overall I felt my most successful stage within this brief was the experimental process. I was able to let my ideas flow from one to the other. Creating physical experiments and conducting variations to present to the other team members. 

The final design treatment was successful in its consistency and simplicity. We ensured that each and every one of the design decisions made was solidly informed by an element of context, research or target needs/specifications. For example it was my idea to vary the typeface throughout the designs variations - choosing a specific typeface for each speaker informed by the tone of voice it gave off, linking to their practice and style. Overall this brief went really well, we stuck within the time plan well and completed all work for the deadline with careful planning. 

Time plan

Week 1 - Initial ideas & research
Week 2 - Experimentation & design
Week 3 - Final design resolution & submission
Week 4 - Feedback & evaluation