Thursday 27 October 2016

~ Creative networks - Final evaluation & timeplan ~

This was a really enjoyable start to the year and jumping back into designing again. The brief had a really direct outcome which was a good way to get back into the swing of things because we knew exactly what was expected from us. Being briefed a live brief was an exciting prospect for me as it's something i'd not previously done before. The potential opportunity to be a part of something real was great. This enjoyment of 'reality' is something I felt informed my decisions in terms of what briefs I wanted to do for the rest of the year. I wanted to focus more on live briefs with clients to get a real sense of the bigger picture and what would be expected. 

It lead me to conducting research in a new and much more valuable way. In previous years I had relied overly on visual research and looking at 'similar' design work. I felt this was influencing the style of my outcomes too much and the originality of my designs. For this brief I did much more research into the contextual background behind the context/artists the posters were about. This lead me to make design decisions informed by the subject matter and target audience rather than designing for aesthetic. 

The brief was a group task, working with Amelia and Cameron. This was a challenge for me as they both have very different design styles to my own. It was a chance for me to approach this as a positive rather than a negative. We used our differences to approach the brief from different perspectives and create something that combined all of our preferences that could be enjoyed by a broad audience. One negative I found was that due to me designing out of my comfort zone I felt apprehensive about pushing my designs as much as I could of done. Upon reflection i'd of pushed more towards including the 3D elements within the final designs as i feel this could of given it a real edge and appeal.

In any collaborative briefs following I will be sure to push my ideas forward and make my creative voice heard. This brief has taught me the value of having confidence in my own ideas. Working in a studio environment when I leave this is something I will have to get used to and confident in doing.

Overall I felt my most successful stage within this brief was the experimental process. I was able to let my ideas flow from one to the other. Creating physical experiments and conducting variations to present to the other team members. 

The final design treatment was successful in its consistency and simplicity. We ensured that each and every one of the design decisions made was solidly informed by an element of context, research or target needs/specifications. For example it was my idea to vary the typeface throughout the designs variations - choosing a specific typeface for each speaker informed by the tone of voice it gave off, linking to their practice and style. Overall this brief went really well, we stuck within the time plan well and completed all work for the deadline with careful planning. 

Time plan

Week 1 - Initial ideas & research
Week 2 - Experimentation & design
Week 3 - Final design resolution & submission
Week 4 - Feedback & evaluation

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