Saturday 31 December 2016

~ Go higher west yorkshire - final evaluation & time plan ~

This was a live brief aimed at students of the universities within the 'Go Higher' collective. They wanted a new logo design and brand identity to go with their name change. This exclusivity was good as it gave me a good chance of getting exposure. I came runner up in this competition and my logo design/name was published on their website. This was brilliant real life publicity for my practice making this brief really beneficial. 

Despite the positivity of being chosen as a runner up I didn't particularly enjoy this brief. For me it didn't have much creative freedom - party because the final outcomes were all specifically outlined and it was mainly about the logo design. The tone of voice needed was very professional and corporate and this isn't the way I like to design. But learning this early on in the year was good as I chose briefs that were less serious and had more room for creativity following this. 

I do however feel the logo design (and identity) was successful. It was well considered and executed and shows my skills in this area of design. Even though I didn't find it enjoyable it shows future employers I am able to effectively work this way and within tight constraints. 

The timescale for this brief was small but this wasn't an issue for me as all of the contextual research needed was provided via the website; and the amount of final designs needed was small. I completed everything promptly. It has shown me the value of taking on small branding briefs even if they aren't the most creative as they can be a quick and straight forward process/path into finding the most appropriate treatment - unlike briefs with more creative freedom which involve a lot more options and considerations. 

Time plan

November - Brief, contextual and visual research, ideas process, design experiments
December - Logo design, collateral design, submission

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