Thursday 1 December 2016

~ Go Higher West Yorkshire - Research & idea generation ~

Go Higher West Yorkshire is a company that helps individuals study access courses in order to get into university in Yorkshire (and the partnering universities within Yorkshire).

Due to its professional, educational and corporate nature the logo design needs to portray this. Through a clean cut, simple, professional - yet friendly & approachable design.

I collected some examples of educational themed logo designs to collect symbols and icons that are related to the sector and to develop an idea of a successful tone of voice. 

Symbolism related to education include -

- Pens/pencils
- Graduation caps
- Globe
- Books
- Flags
- Buildings (schools)
- Simple, bold & approachable sans serif type
- Bright & positive colours

Other icons related to the name include

- Access (doors?)
- Arrows - to show going up/higher
- West Yorkshire (symbols of Yorkshire)

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