Sunday 1 January 2017

~ 6th Posterheroes Social Communication Contest - Final designs & entry

My considerations for this brief were concept, target audience and message. I wanted to portray something simple & bold yet effective that would appeal to the judges and wider audience of general public and LGBT community. 

My first design is directly informed by the current state of affairs and politics in the USA. Using Donald Trumps recent rise in American and world politics & news. I considered his iconic hat worn at rallies as part of his personal promotion as a presidential candidate that says 'Make America Great Again'; he is known for his open homophobia and his election as President could be detrimental to LGBT rights in America making it extremely relevant to the brief. I used a play on words of this slogan and created a simple illustrative design showing him wearing a hat instead saying 'Make America Gay Again'. This satirical approach is informed by the current world politics and the briefs theme of free love. I also added the caption 'vote love' relating back to the informed nature of the design. 

I used a simple cartoon like style of illustration informed by the style of satirical politics based cartoons found in newspapers. And used bright primary colours to capture the eye and deliver the message in a bold, positive way. 

This second design was a minimal representation of the briefs title 'Rights in love'. The love heart symbol is a word wide recognisable design, iconically red. I manipulated the idea of this love and made it into a new representation, my abstract heart design is created to represent all inclusive love. My heart is upside down and 'rough' around the edges, its defying the 'laws' of what a heart 'should be'. I wanted this design to be a subtle yet well informed and meaningful representation of those who express their right to love despite opposition and homophobia. 

My final design is going down the initial route of creating something using manipulated type. I wanted to portray an informative infogaphic style design that was still consistantly positive and celebratory of equal love. 

I feel this design is successful in answering the brief in an informed way. The design & content is directly influenced by the factual timeline of LGBT+ history which has been intergral to their 'right to love' and marry within the world today. I wanted the design to be a celebration of the movements and strength throughout history and to reflect the pride people have that LGBT+ people now have the right to love and marry increasingly around the world due to social activism and political change. The design treatment is simple, bold and straight to the point. The eye-catching red being iconic and symbolic of love instantly draws in the eye; then the hierarchy of type allows the viewer to be educated and lead through the brief timeline giving the poster its context and background. 

Poster submitted

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