Monday 2 January 2017

~ Posterheroes - Final evaluation & time plan ~

This brief was to create a poster design following the theme of 'right to love'. This was a cause that really stood out to me, as LGBT+ issues are something I have done a lot of contextual research into and have a great interest in. The current state of political issues surrounding the rights of gay people to love, marry adopt is unsettling and this is something I wanted to try help change within my design work. 

Because I am a positive person my practice is also really positive in tone of voice. The recent Orlando shooting in a local gay bar and the potential presidency of Donald Trump; although relevant seemed like a negative thing to focus on within the final design. Instead I conducted a body of brief specific research into the main events and achievements within the past of LGBT+ activism and 'right to love'. I chose to use a positive and appealing tone of voice to celebrate past movements - I wanted to show that the community has been through hardship in the past so they can get through the current difficulties also. 

I wanted to be experimental with typography within this brief as I feel designing purely with type (opposed to type and image) is really difficult and a skill I needed to develop. I chose content and informed elements over pure aesthetic - this is new to me as in previous years i'd found myself trying to fit within a 'style' rather than creating considered designs.

This brief was successful in changing my design process and making more informed decisions due to research exploration. I feel the final design is effective and positive int one of voice. 

Time plan

October - Brief, initial ideas, contextual research, visual research, research into the background of the judges and competition
November - Experimentation, final design, submission

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